
- White, Black, Red or Blue
- All card reader capabilities: Swipe, Chip, Contactless, Apple Pay, Android Pay.
- 19” Touchscreen, In-Kiosk Camera, Credit Card Reader, Biometric, Barcode Scanner, Optional Bill Acceptor.
- Tilted back biometric- More natural for consumer to use their fingerprint
- Sleek & modern look.

32M Patented Mobile App
- Touch-Free Solution
- Sign into Account, Scan Product and finalise purchase
- Save past purchases for quick-pick favourites in the future
- Look up coupons, rewards, top-up bonuses and other perks of the micro market
MicroMarket Features
Meal Deals
Similar to the petrol stations and grocery stores, we will have a deal in place for a sandwich, crisp & drink.
Guest Passes
Have readily available passes for guests to come on-site. They can use these passes for one time purchases or multi-use throughout the day.
Loyalty Programs
Setting up points programs where you are able to receive allocated points for each purchase and to use those points for later purchases.
Subsidized Products
Choose to have healthier products at subsidized pricing. You can also set up subsidized pricing to start pre-8AM and post 5PM to reward those employees who are working extended hours.
Breakfast Specials
Flapjack & Coffee
Snack Deals
Protein Bar & Water
Rewards Programs
Ability to do programs like buy 9 get the 10th free.
Corporate Accounts
Set up accounts for different departments and allow the head of those departments to charge for eat-in lunches, meetings, etc.